ガラスショーケース / Glass Showcase JW-029
¥602,800 税込
ガラスショーケース / Glass Showcase
●仕上げ / Finish
asliオリジナル蜜蝋ワックス / asli Original Beeswax
●素材 / Material
オールドチーク / Old Teak
幅(w) 130 cm x 奥行(d ) 40 cm x 高さ(h) 100 cm
This is a very valuable glass showcase among antique furniture. This antique has 5 sides of glass, so it is thought to have been a showcase for a store that sold bread and cakes at that time 100-150 years ago. We repaired the broken glass and broken frame, and remade it with teak oil for color.
*Shipping costs for Okinawa and remote islands are estimates. Please contact us before purchasing.
¥602,800 税込